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/scifi/ is a board for Science Fiction and Fantasy of all kinds
Favourite Star Trek media?
>/scifi/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy
Warhammer 40,000 my beloved <3
Which video game, book, or movie has the best, most detailed sci-fi universe?
Why did it fail?
what is your favorite prospective sci-fi outcomes of futurology? personally, i find the politically motivated ones to be the most interesting.
Diamond Age Website
David Drake, author of Hammers Slammers has passed away.
Is this kino
first dub belongs to rei
hello scifarty
This is now a Fëanor board.
i am the veteran of thousand psychic wars.
Every dollar you spend on books could go towards a a new games console or VR headset with the latest hits instead. let that sink in.
>scifi bad because industrialism bad or something
>DUUUUUUUUDE in the future we will evolve into dinosaurs and birds but then ayyys will conquer us and change us into antellopes but we will evolve into farting ghosts and bowling balls and have race war with each other
For what purpose?
Scifichan Edition
No Previous
What are his best books?
new zeon
is nick's sci-fi work any good or is it just political gobblty-gook?
What work was it that revealed to you that SF is your cup of tea?
Many people never get bitten by the bug, and cannot grok why we like "puerile nonsense".
They might, in a Venn diagram, overlap with the people who don't like thinking.

Jules Verne :
all of it.

Rider Haggard:
not SF but curiosity encouraging.

John Brunner:
Stand on Zanzibar. Just ... words fail. So damn good. Nostalgia could be playing a part, but hell's teeth it's good. After reading this I knew that SF was going to be my special friend.

(Many years' reading elided)

S R Donaldson:
Covenant I read from a feeling of (shrugs shoulders) that shop sells it for pennies.
Later - 
Gap Sequence. One of my very favourite, over-the-top, leave-common-sense-behind, it won't help here, barking delightful excursions. More meat than Dune. More Laughs than Asimov.

Doris Lessing:
Canopus in Argo (a constellation of somewhat connected novels).
When I read Marriages Between Zones 3, 4 & 5 I didn't know Doris from Adolf. Enjoyed the book, mostly because of the stuff about overlapping worlds. Didn't know that it was part of a sequence. I'm not gay and I'm not feminist. There are other reasons to rate her SF high.

Nobody I'm aware of has written anything really good lately.
I could list many recent novels, but you already know them, and you know that they are uninspiring. (I vacillated between "crap" and "shit" before thinking of "uninspiring").

So, friend, how did you get into SF?
It's blocked elsewhere
Why is Judaism the best religion?
The sudden crash of a particularly powerful wave on the port side of the ship has awoken you from your tormented sleep. You cannot yet muster the power to open your eyes, but you can quite clearly feel a warm puddle of sick between your face and your soaked pillow. Your throat feels like you spent the last three months eating nothing but ashtray remains and your back feels like it's turned into a painful boneless jelly. Clearly something must've happened.
What next?
>Move your head out of the puddle onto a less wet part of your pillow
>Try to remember how you got to this point, lying in your own vomit
>Attempt to open your eyes and attempt to asses the damage [ROLL 1d100]
may ide have mercy on us all and bless this site for a better tomorrow.
>/scifi/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy
Baking an epic bread
First ever Battletech thread on this site. For me it's the Highlander
>oh my science

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