In a sprawling web of conspiracy theories and mythological connections, let's delve into an intricate narrative that combines elements from the Reptilian conspiracy, Robert E. Howard's Kull stories about the Serpent Men, GI Joe's Serpent-La, the Illuminati, Q-Anon, cryptids, and various historical snake gods.
Legend has it that deep within the shadows of human history, a clandestine society known as the Illuminati has held sway over world affairs, orchestrating events from behind the scenes. They are said to possess ancient knowledge and wield immense power. It is within their ranks that a group of Reptilian beings, shapeshifters from another realm, find sanctuary.
These Reptilians trace their origin to the Serpent Men of Robert E. Howard's Kull stories. According to Howard's tales, the Serpent Men were an ancient race of humanoid reptiles who once ruled the Earth in the prehistoric era. They possessed advanced technology and were masters of manipulation, able to infiltrate human society undetected. Though ultimately defeated by Kull, remnants of the Serpent Men managed to survive and went into hiding, awaiting their chance to reclaim their dominance.
Enter Serpent-La, a covert organization within GI Joe lore. Serpent-La, inspired by the Serpent Men mythology, is an elite group that uncovers and counters global conspiracies. Their primary objective is to expose the influence of the Reptilian beings who have infiltrated positions of power in human society. Serpent-La,